

Shit is lit! Here the (non)final announcement for all guests and exhibitors attending CLUE - COMIC LEIPZIG UNDERGROUND ELITE petit festival. The day the earth stood still and all - this is going to be fantastic! Also switching sites from CLUE to our buddies at THE MILLIONAIRES CLUB will be an easy 12 minute ride by Tram (8) or bike.

< < < < < < < < < < publishers > > > > > > > > > >

Mokki Editions (France), SOYBOT (Vienna),
Fistful Fumetti (Miami/Leipzig), Schnösel Mösel Press (Vienna/Leipzig), Klubfuß Verlag (Oldenburg), Look Back And Laugh (Slovakia), Riotvan (Leipzig), Klebstoff Sticker Mag (Dresden)

< < < < < < < < < < exhibitors > > > > > > > > > >
THE ZONDERS (France), Miez Wars (Leipzig), Pablo Perra (Berlin), Zane Zlemeša (Riga), Jerry Jordan (Leipzig/Tucson), Dario Di Donato (Eislingen), Łukasz Kowalczuk (Poland), Hans Lichtenwanger (Leipzig), MULTI MONO (Heilbronn), International Neighborhood (Leipzig), DIE GOLDENE DISCOFAUST(Kassel), HGB Klasse Illustration (Leipzig), GOODLEG TOYS (Berlin), Artourette (Dresden), Tim Romanowsky & Stefhany Lozano (Leipzig), Yeah Yeah (Leipzig), Foodie/Kotburschi Kollektiv (Dresden/Bochum), Pyramideo (Leipzig), Okidoki Grafik (Leipzig) Lukas Weidinger (Wienzig), JAMAN (Leipzig), Bastl Boards & Stoner Hardware (Leipzig), Carlo Vivary (Leipzig), GOLD SLUG (Leipzig), GAP GAP Crew (Leipzig), This Flower (Leipzig), Natalis Lorenz (Heilbronn), Katja Schwalenberg (Leipzig), Franziska Junge (Leipzig), Capstan Design (Leipzig), Das Beste aus Bifi und Ali (Dresden), KLITZER (Kassel), SchwarzDruck (Leipzig), Dinosaurier Fanclub Leipzig & Ralph Niese (Leipzig)

< < < < < < < < < < music by > > > > > > > > > >

live: SUFFKUTTE (Leipzig)

NIGHT REINER (Leipzig), KID KOZMOE (Leipzig), rZr (Leipzig) & more!

Date: saturday, 25th of march, 2017
Opening hours: 10am to open end

@ GAP GAP, Gemeindeamtstraße 13, Leipzig (Tram 8/15 ‘Merseburgerstraße’).
See you there!